In fact, we've heard these benefits so many times now, that they've become cliché, meaningless. However, these benefits are too valuable to us as professionals and as people to be overlooked. If you are considering work from home employment, but aren't yet fully convinced of its merits then maybe a fresh perspective will help.
You can better determine your own income
With a work at home business, you have more control over how much money you pull in. This is true for two main reasons.
One, you determine your price points. While obviously this benefit is somewhat dependent on the type of business you run, mostly you are the one responsible for setting the prices for your services or products. Undoubtedly, these price points will depend on variables that include but aren't limited to the relationship you have with the client, the client's needs, and your availability, but ultimately you can charge above market rate as you see fit.
Two, you can choose how much you want to work.You can build your own schedule. This is partially contingent on the market's health, but after you've established a client base who's strong with return business, you can decide how many orders or projects to take on and thus how much money you make. Instead of being at a fixed hourly rate with fixed hours or a predetermined bi-weekly salary, you can choose to work an extra hour each day and significantly increase your monthly take home.
You can finally fulfill your professional ambitions
Another overlooked benefit of a work from home opportunity is that you have more control over your professional ambitions.
Psychological studies have shown that professional satisfaction is one of the most common causes of people experiencing contentment with their life. However, most people don't experience this professional satisfaction because they have little control over fulfilling their professional ambitions. They've trained, studied, and demonstrated professional competencies, yet for a myriad of reasons they remain stuck on a lower rung of the corporate ladder.
With a home-based business, you have more control over your professional success. Far fewer are the ambiguous or dubious reasons why you aren't experiencing more success and thus why you don't feel better about your life. It's just one of a number of overlooked benefits to a home-based business.
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